

Decred is an open blockchain and a cryptocurrency that is self-funded, open and progressive. The features inherent in cryptocurrency are decentralization, voting using bit flags, the possibility of mining, the limitation of the validity of transactions and due to the fact that the Decred system is a fork of Bitcoin, it has a uniformity of source codes.

News about Decred

DecredDCR #228
02 Apr 2023, 14:29
RT @exitusdcr: New #Decred Recap: - New proposal for different PoW Algorithm, reducing PoW Subsidy to 1% raising PoS to 89%. - Soon Bison…
RT @exitusdcr: New #Decred Recap:. - New proposal for different PoW Algorithm, reducing PoW Subsidy to 1% raising PoS to 89%.
RT @exitusdcr: New #Decred Recap: - New proposal for different PoW Algorithm, reducing PoW Subsidy to 1% raising PoS to 89%. - Soon Bison…
DecredDCR #228
02 Apr 2023, 13:47
DecredDCR #228
01 Apr 2023, 17:55
RT @chappjc: @changjieyang @decredproject We're there. No more coding left. Just making builds and getting it out the door.…
RT @chappjc: @changjieyang @decredproject We're there. No more coding left. Just making builds and getting it out the door.
RT @chappjc: @changjieyang @decredproject We're there. No more coding left. Just making builds and getting it out the door.…
DecredDCR #228
01 Apr 2023, 02:41
RT @exitusdcr: Even though the proposal from @Cointelegraph wasn't the best and was rejected by stakeholders, it was super exciting to see…
RT @exitusdcr: Even though the proposal from @Cointelegraph wasn't the best and was rejected by stakeholders, it was super excit
RT @exitusdcr: Even though the proposal from @Cointelegraph wasn't the best and was rejected by stakeholders, it was super exciting to see…
DecredDCR #228
01 Apr 2023, 01:13
RT @DecredSociety: This is awesome! Bison Relay rewards participation. This is how social media should be. When did Twitter, Facebook, TikT…
RT @DecredSociety: This is awesome. Bison Relay rewards participation. This is how social media should be.
RT @DecredSociety: This is awesome! Bison Relay rewards participation. This is how social media should be. When did Twitter, Facebook, TikT…
DecredDCR #228
31 Mar 2023, 20:22
RT @BlockCommons: A new issue of Politeia Digest is online now. 2 new proposals this time, one to change the PoW consensus algorithm and…
RT @BlockCommons: A new issue of Politeia Digest is online now.
RT @BlockCommons: A new issue of Politeia Digest is online now. 2 new proposals this time, one to change the PoW consensus algorithm and…
DecredDCR #228
29 Mar 2023, 15:47
RT @behindtext: #BisonRelay is moving towards prepaid invites, it should only be a few weeks out. invitations to the revolution will be pr…
RT @behindtext: #BisonRelay is moving towards prepaid invites, it should only be a few weeks out.
RT @behindtext: #BisonRelay is moving towards prepaid invites, it should only be a few weeks out. invitations to the revolution will be pr…
DecredDCR #228
28 Mar 2023, 21:36
RT @DigiByteCoin: Looks like #DigiByte works on @DecredDEX mainnet as well! $DCR $DGB
RT @DigiByteCoin: Looks like #DigiByte works on @DecredDEX mainnet as well. $DCR $DGB.
RT @DigiByteCoin: Looks like #DigiByte works on @DecredDEX mainnet as well! $DCR $DGB
DecredDCR #228
27 Mar 2023, 23:25
RT @karamblez: Decred stakeholders have a tough decision to make. If this proposal passes, PoW algorithm changes to…
RT @karamblez: Decred stakeholders have a tough decision to make. If this proposal passes, PoW algorithm changes to….
RT @karamblez: Decred stakeholders have a tough decision to make. If this proposal passes, PoW algorithm changes to…
DecredDCR #228
25 Mar 2023, 21:05
RT @exitusdcr: The benefits of being a #Decred Stakeholder: - Make Protocol-level decisions. - Manage a ~$18M Treasury - Approve/Reject P…
RT @exitusdcr: The benefits of being a #Decred Stakeholder:. - Make Protocol-level decisions. - Manage a ~$18M Treasury.
RT @exitusdcr: The benefits of being a #Decred Stakeholder: - Make Protocol-level decisions. - Manage a ~$18M Treasury - Approve/Reject P…
DecredDCR #228
25 Mar 2023, 19:18
RT @grum1in: 🚀😱 Amazing! The power of #Decred $DCR DEX is surpassing expectations! Eagerly awaiting the upcoming update that's set to raise…
RT @grum1in: Amazing. The power of #Decred $DCR DEX is surpassing expectations.
RT @grum1in: 🚀😱 Amazing! The power of #Decred $DCR DEX is surpassing expectations! Eagerly awaiting the upcoming update that's set to raise…
DecredDCR #228
25 Mar 2023, 04:17
RT @iizuka: DCRDEXのバージョン0.6は、本当に破壊的な分散取引所としてだいぶわかりやすくなって来ると思う。 アトミックスワップを極限まで使いやすくし、ETHやUSDC等もバッチリ使えるように次のバージョンでなってくる。 本当の非中央集権の高機能分散取引所。…
RT @iizuka: DCRDEXのバージョン0. 6は、本当に破壊的な分散取引所としてだいぶわかりやすくなって来ると思う。. アトミックスワップを極限まで使いやすくし、ETHやUSDC等もバッチリ使えるように次のバージョンでなってくる。.
RT @iizuka: DCRDEXのバージョン0.6は、本当に破壊的な分散取引所としてだいぶわかりやすくなって来ると思う。 アトミックスワップを極限まで使いやすくし、ETHやUSDC等もバッチリ使えるように次のバージョンでなってくる。 本当の非中央集権の高機能分散取引所。…
DecredDCR #228
24 Mar 2023, 11:57
RT @fst_nml: "Popular" or not, #Decred has some of the best architecture in regards to resiliency and stability in my opinion. The PoS/Po…
RT @fst_nml: "Popular" or not, #Decred has some of the best architecture in regards to resiliency and stability in my opinion.
RT @fst_nml: "Popular" or not, #Decred has some of the best architecture in regards to resiliency and stability in my opinion. The PoS/Po…
DecredDCR #228
24 Mar 2023, 08:21
RT @DecredSociety: DCRDEX 0.6 IS COMING! With so much development, it’s hard not to be enthusiastic about the future. After 7 years of act…
RT @DecredSociety: DCRDEX 0. 6 IS COMING. With so much development, it's hard not to be enthusiastic about the future.
RT @DecredSociety: DCRDEX 0.6 IS COMING! With so much development, it’s hard not to be enthusiastic about the future. After 7 years of act…
DecredDCR #228
23 Mar 2023, 21:04
Decred Journal February 2023 Decred has celebrated its 7th birthday with 2 software releases, heavy development push, big staking activity and a stash of new content. Just another month.
Decred Journal – February 2023.
Decred Journal – February 2023 Decred has celebrated its 7th birthday with 2 software releases, heavy development push, big staking activity and a stash of new content. Just another month.
DecredDCR #228
23 Mar 2023, 12:30
RT @decredmagazine: Decred has already built everything you need for full sovereignty. #DecredArt #Decred #dcr #Cr…
RT @decredmagazine: Decred has already built everything you need for full sovereignty. #DecredArt #Decred #dcr #Cr….
RT @decredmagazine: Decred has already built everything you need for full sovereignty. #DecredArt #Decred #dcr #Cr…
DecredDCR #228
19 Mar 2023, 07:24
RT @blockchainbuck: My proposal-in-voting for the Decred DEX client includes a number of important improvements, some of which are... - Add…
RT @blockchainbuck: My proposal-in-voting for the Decred DEX client includes a number of important improvements, some of which a
RT @blockchainbuck: My proposal-in-voting for the Decred DEX client includes a number of important improvements, some of which are... - Add…
DecredDCR #228
18 Mar 2023, 08:10
RT @BlockCommons: A new issue of Politeia Digest is out now! There are 5 new proposals and they have already started voting. The Decred J…
RT @BlockCommons: A new issue of Politeia Digest is out now. There are 5 new proposals and they have already started voting.
RT @BlockCommons: A new issue of Politeia Digest is out now! There are 5 new proposals and they have already started voting. The Decred J…
DecredDCR #228
18 Mar 2023, 00:43
RT @blockchainbuck: We're packaging the #Decred DEX client for your mom. Proper desktop apps with installers coming soon, pending stakeho…
RT @blockchainbuck: We're packaging the #Decred DEX client for your mom.
RT @blockchainbuck: We're packaging the #Decred DEX client for your mom. Proper desktop apps with installers coming soon, pending stakeho…
DecredDCR #228
17 Mar 2023, 17:51
.@jz_bz talks to @shauryamalwa at @CoinDesk about how the US banking crisis could strengthen the crypto ecosystem: #Decred #cryptonews #bankingcrisis
@jz_bz talks to @shauryamalwa at @CoinDesk about how the US banking crisis could strengthen the crypto ecosystem:.
.@jz_bz talks to @shauryamalwa at @CoinDesk about how the US banking crisis could strengthen the crypto ecosystem: #Decred #cryptonews #bankingcrisis
DecredDCR #228
17 Mar 2023, 07:37
RT @blockchainbuck: There are lots of "DAOs". Very few are actually decentralized. I happen to work for one that is principled to the core.…
RT @blockchainbuck: There are lots of "DAOs". Very few are actually decentralized.
RT @blockchainbuck: There are lots of "DAOs". Very few are actually decentralized. I happen to work for one that is principled to the core.…
DecredDCR #228
15 Mar 2023, 22:27
RT @behindtext: much is being made of the banks that have been forced to close in the past few weeks. that the major pro-cc banks (silverg…
RT @behindtext: much is being made of the banks that have been forced to close in the past few weeks.
RT @behindtext: much is being made of the banks that have been forced to close in the past few weeks. that the major pro-cc banks (silverg…
DecredDCR #228
08 Mar 2023, 19:09
RT @DecredSociety: State of the market - Content and Development Proposals Name & venue change!! Set your reminders!! It's going to be…
RT @DecredSociety: State of the market - Content and Development Proposals. Name & venue change. Set your reminders.
RT @DecredSociety: State of the market - Content and Development Proposals Name & venue change!! Set your reminders!! It's going to be…
DecredDCR #228
07 Mar 2023, 00:57
RT @blockchainbuck: Decred DEX is THE solution to long-standing problems in crypto. Is there another DEX-capable multi-wallet that is decen…
RT @blockchainbuck: Decred DEX is THE solution to long-standing problems in crypto.
RT @blockchainbuck: Decred DEX is THE solution to long-standing problems in crypto. Is there another DEX-capable multi-wallet that is decen…
DecredDCR #228
06 Mar 2023, 21:31
RT @karamblez: Do you even timestamp your existence? Comment with other use cases:
RT @karamblez: Do you even timestamp your existence. Comment with other use cases:.
RT @karamblez: Do you even timestamp your existence? Comment with other use cases:
DecredDCR #228
04 Mar 2023, 20:50
RT @exitusdcr: Proposal from Cointelegraph: @Cointelegraph invites #Decred to leverage its media platform for two featured articles and a…
RT @exitusdcr: Proposal from Cointelegraph:.
RT @exitusdcr: Proposal from Cointelegraph: @Cointelegraph invites #Decred to leverage its media platform for two featured articles and a…
DecredDCR #228
03 Mar 2023, 09:45
RT @karamblez: bison relay rewards! You can earn rewards for your postings on Decred's social network. Join the n…
RT @karamblez: bison relay rewards. You can earn rewards for your postings on Decred's social network. Join the n….
RT @karamblez: bison relay rewards! You can earn rewards for your postings on Decred's social network. Join the n…
DecredDCR #228
27 Feb 2023, 06:59
RT @wanbihou: 去年读到的最有感觉的文章:"Peer-to-Peer Electronic Corporation" 谢谢 作者 @WasPraxis 很精彩!印象最深的一句话:“工业革命中真正的“革命”是什么?”。 #Decred @decredproject…
RT @wanbihou: 去年读到的最有感觉的文章:"Peer-to-Peer Electronic Corporation" 谢谢 作者 @WasPraxis 很精彩. 印象最深的一句话:"工业革命中真正的"革命"是什么. #Decred.
RT @wanbihou: 去年读到的最有感觉的文章:"Peer-to-Peer Electronic Corporation" 谢谢 作者 @WasPraxis 很精彩!印象最深的一句话:“工业革命中真正的“革命”是什么?”。 #Decred @decredproject…
DecredDCR #228
25 Feb 2023, 20:36
RT @karamblez: Decred Development Update 🎉 DCRDEX just merged code to support ETH and USDC
RT @karamblez: Decred Development Update. DCRDEX just merged code to support ETH and USDC.
RT @karamblez: Decred Development Update 🎉 DCRDEX just merged code to support ETH and USDC
DecredDCR #228
24 Feb 2023, 20:19
RT @applesaucesome1: DAOs is trending today. @decredproject is one of the longest running and most successful DAOs in the crypto space. I…
RT @applesaucesome1: DAOs is trending today.
RT @applesaucesome1: DAOs is trending today. @decredproject is one of the longest running and most successful DAOs in the crypto space. I…
DecredDCR #228
22 Feb 2023, 21:13
We cannot be mere consumers of good governance, we must be participants! The Decred stakeholders voted on 8 proposals this month, Timestamply got a major facelift and Bison Relay received quality of life improvements.
We cannot be mere consumers of good governance, we must be participants.
We cannot be mere consumers of good governance, we must be participants! The Decred stakeholders voted on 8 proposals this month, Timestamply got a major facelift and Bison Relay received quality of life improvements.
DecredDCR #228
21 Feb 2023, 21:52
Bison Relay v0.1.4 has been released! Developers are stampeding forward and trampling bugs under their hooves, so users will notice everything is getting quicker and smoother. Get it now at:
Bison Relay v0. 4 has been released.
Bison Relay v0.1.4 has been released! Developers are stampeding forward and trampling bugs under their hooves, so users will notice everything is getting quicker and smoother. Get it now at:
DecredDCR #228
17 Feb 2023, 19:59
RT @DecredSociety: Decrediton Peer to Peer Payments - Send & Receive The fundamental principle of crypto is the ability to send and receiv…
RT @DecredSociety: Decrediton Peer to Peer Payments - Send & Receive.
RT @DecredSociety: Decrediton Peer to Peer Payments - Send & Receive The fundamental principle of crypto is the ability to send and receiv…
DecredDCR #228
16 Feb 2023, 06:52
Verifying my account on nostr My Public Key: npub1decredzl29afqaalgw79kzz7cscrakzul00zgq9qymt4weqg03fsqmmnzd Find others at @nostrdirectory #nostr
Verifying my account on nostr. My Public Key: npub1decredzl29afqaalgw79kzz7cscrakzul00zgq9qymt4weqg03fsqmmnzd.
Verifying my account on nostr My Public Key: npub1decredzl29afqaalgw79kzz7cscrakzul00zgq9qymt4weqg03fsqmmnzd Find others at @nostrdirectory #nostr
DecredDCR #228
16 Feb 2023, 01:51
6 Web3 Social Media Apps To Keep an Eye On, featuring Bison Relay, via @Blockworks_ @shaliniX0
6 Web3 Social Media Apps To Keep an Eye On, featuring Bison Relay, via @Blockworks_ @shaliniX0.
6 Web3 Social Media Apps To Keep an Eye On, featuring Bison Relay, via @Blockworks_ @shaliniX0
DecredDCR #228
15 Feb 2023, 21:29
RT @karamblez: @mbauwens BisonRelay is a crypto native protocol that works on top of the Lightning Network as a transport layer. Both accou…
RT @karamblez: @mbauwens BisonRelay is a crypto native protocol that works on top of the Lightning Network as a transport layer.
RT @karamblez: @mbauwens BisonRelay is a crypto native protocol that works on top of the Lightning Network as a transport layer. Both accou…
DecredDCR #228
14 Feb 2023, 21:28
RT @WasPraxis: Join me this Thursday for an exclusive chat with @DavidVorick, the mastermind behind Obelisk ASICs for #Decred & #Siacoin, a…
RT @WasPraxis: Join me this Thursday for an exclusive chat with @DavidVorick, the mastermind behind Obelisk ASICs for #Decred &
RT @WasPraxis: Join me this Thursday for an exclusive chat with @DavidVorick, the mastermind behind Obelisk ASICs for #Decred & #Siacoin, a…
DecredDCR #228
14 Feb 2023, 16:08
OP_PEEL is a new concept from @matheusd_tech for building pools of coins. Just a single UTXO on the chain and any participant can leave the pool without coordination with the group. Beware, it is math-heavy.
OP_PEEL is a new concept from @matheusd_tech for building pools of coins.
OP_PEEL is a new concept from @matheusd_tech for building pools of coins. Just a single UTXO on the chain and any participant can leave the pool without coordination with the group. Beware, it is math-heavy.
DecredDCR #228
14 Feb 2023, 11:33
RT @exitusdcr: Decred News Update: - Politeia proposal platform overflowing with activity. - ETH ERC20 support just about finished for #D…
RT @exitusdcr: Decred News Update:. - Politeia proposal platform overflowing with activity.
RT @exitusdcr: Decred News Update: - Politeia proposal platform overflowing with activity. - ETH ERC20 support just about finished for #D…
DecredDCR #228
14 Feb 2023, 10:01
RT @karamblez: A Lightning Network wallet p2p social network, tipping, paid content & articles, invite only group chats. A new protocol on…
RT @karamblez: A Lightning Network wallet. p2p social network, tipping, paid content & articles, invite only group chats.
RT @karamblez: A Lightning Network wallet p2p social network, tipping, paid content & articles, invite only group chats. A new protocol on…
DecredDCR #228
13 Feb 2023, 23:34
RT @decredmagazine: Decrediton SPV mode & seed restore Simple Payment Verification (SPV) allows the use of a Decred wallet without having…
RT @decredmagazine: Decrediton SPV mode & seed restore.
RT @decredmagazine: Decrediton SPV mode & seed restore Simple Payment Verification (SPV) allows the use of a Decred wallet without having…
DecredDCR #228
13 Feb 2023, 00:49
Decred News - ERC20 Pairs on DEX, New Ticket price ATH, exciting new Proposals for DCR DAO & More
Decred News - ERC20 Pairs on DEX, New Ticket price ATH, exciting new Proposals for DCR DAO & More. Decred News - ERC20 Pairs on DEX, New Ticket price ATH, exciting new Proposals for DCR DAO & More
DecredDCR #228
11 Feb 2023, 21:07
RT @elima_iii: Just listened to this Space. Highly recommend
RT @elima_iii: Just listened to this Space. Highly recommend.
RT @elima_iii: Just listened to this Space. Highly recommend
DecredDCR #228
10 Feb 2023, 22:05
RT @karamblez: Peer to Peer social media on Lightning Network. Fully encrypted, uncensorable. Servers can see neither the account nor the…
RT @karamblez: Peer to Peer social media on Lightning Network. Fully encrypted, uncensorable.
RT @karamblez: Peer to Peer social media on Lightning Network. Fully encrypted, uncensorable. Servers can see neither the account nor the…
DecredDCR #228
08 Feb 2023, 21:00
DecredDCR #228
08 Feb 2023, 19:02
RT @in_insaf: فيديو يلخص أقوى اللحظات التي عشناها خلال حفلة الذكرى السابعة ل #ديكريد A video highlighting the best moments of #Decred's se…
RT @in_insaf: فيديو يلخص أقوى اللحظات التي عشناها خلال حفلة الذكرى السابعة ل #ديكريد.
RT @in_insaf: فيديو يلخص أقوى اللحظات التي عشناها خلال حفلة الذكرى السابعة ل #ديكريد A video highlighting the best moments of #Decred's se…
DecredDCR #228
08 Feb 2023, 08:07
RT @chappjc: This week we've done many mainnet atomic swaps with ETH and USDC (ERC20) with newly-deployed contracts.…
RT @chappjc: This week we've done many mainnet atomic swaps with ETH and USDC (ERC20) with newly-deployed contracts.
RT @chappjc: This week we've done many mainnet atomic swaps with ETH and USDC (ERC20) with newly-deployed contracts.…
DecredDCR #228
08 Feb 2023, 02:11
RT @decredmagazine: Installing Decrediton in Fully Validating Mode - Decred Fundamentals Digital wallet technology has grown exponentially…
RT @decredmagazine: Installing Decrediton in Fully Validating Mode - Decred Fundamentals.
RT @decredmagazine: Installing Decrediton in Fully Validating Mode - Decred Fundamentals Digital wallet technology has grown exponentially…
DecredDCR #228
07 Feb 2023, 00:49
For those of you who are currently using Nostr we've now added it as a broadcast target for all Decred announcements. You can follow us at: npub1decredzl29afqaalgw79kzz7cscrakzul00zgq9qymt4weqg03fsqmmnzd
For those of you who are currently using Nostr we've now added it as a broadcast target for all Decred announcements.
For those of you who are currently using Nostr we've now added it as a broadcast target for all Decred announcements. You can follow us at: npub1decredzl29afqaalgw79kzz7cscrakzul00zgq9qymt4weqg03fsqmmnzd
DecredDCR #228
06 Feb 2023, 22:13
Come celebrate Decred's 7th birthday with us on Feb 8th! We're gathering for a Twitter Space to give props to the consistency & advancements brought by the DAO. A fun and nostalgic celebration. Who knows, some past contributors might show up too. 🎉🎂🦬
Come celebrate Decred's 7th birthday with us on Feb 8th.
Come celebrate Decred's 7th birthday with us on Feb 8th! We're gathering for a Twitter Space to give props to the consistency & advancements brought by the DAO. A fun and nostalgic celebration. Who knows, some past contributors might show up too. 🎉🎂🦬