Decred Journal - June 2023 is out. Governance like no other.

22 Jul 2023, 23:46
Decred Journal - June 2023 is out! Governance like no other. In June, Decred coin holders approved funding to develop DCRDEX’s mesh network and a huge chunk of the network upgraded, preparing for two consensus changes.

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DecredDCR #228
22 Jul 2023, 23:46
Decred Journal - June 2023 is out! Governance like no other. In June, Decred coin holders approved funding to develop DCRDEX’s mesh network and a huge chunk of the network upgraded, preparing for two consensus changes.
Decred Journal - June 2023 is out. Governance like no other.
Decred Journal - June 2023 is out! Governance like no other. In June, Decred coin holders approved funding to develop DCRDEX’s mesh network and a huge chunk of the network upgraded, preparing for two consensus changes.