How does your DAO release its treasury funds to contractors. Multisig. Or even worse single sig. YOU ARE NGMI.
09 Jul 2023, 19:40
How does your DAO release its treasury funds to contractors?
Multisig? Or even worse single sig?
Decred took the time to get it right:
Decentralized Treasury with its own opcodes (OP_TADD, OP_TSPEND, and OP_TGEN) so that every treasury spend transaction requires stakeholders to vote on.
While so many DAOs are suffering the risks, we solved them with an elegant consensus upgrade: (
✅ Sovereignty over treasury spends is vested in the stakeholders.
✅ Minimized risk of theft of funds.
✅ Minimized risk of key project members abandoning the project.
✅ Minimized risk of coercion being used against key project members.
✅ Process of treasury spending is transparent.
That's why we #Decred