How does your DAO release its treasury funds to contractors. Multisig. Or even worse single sig. YOU ARE NGMI.

09 Jul 2023, 19:40
How does your DAO release its treasury funds to contractors? Multisig? Or even worse single sig? YOU ARE NGMI. Decred took the time to get it right: Decentralized Treasury with its own opcodes (OP_TADD, OP_TSPEND, and OP_TGEN) so that every treasury spend transaction requires stakeholders to vote on. While so many DAOs are suffering the risks, we solved them with an elegant consensus upgrade: ( Sovereignty over treasury spends is vested in the stakeholders. Minimized risk of theft of funds. Minimized risk of key project members abandoning the project. Minimized risk of coercion being used against key project members. Process of treasury spending is transparent. That's why we #Decred